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About Us

Our Story

Sho is a slang for Sure. Shosave means Sure Save. Shosave is a startup that conceptualised during the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020. As the world moves into lockdown, online shopping became the predominant form of shopping. Shosave begins a journey to digitise the retail business space, and identify more savings for consumers that has become more important & relevant in a Covid-19 impacted world.

Covid-19 posts a huge challenge to the livelihood of skilled workers plying their trade in the retail sector of hair-dressing salons, facial salons, tattoo artist and other roles alike . Government regulations were introduced to restrict and reduce outdoor social interactions, leading to reduction in foot traffic in malls and shops. This group of committed and skilled labour faces earnings losses and job instability, which continues for the unforeseeable future. Shosave acknowledges the contribution and importance of this group of skilled workers. A section of Shosave website is dedicated towards helping them establish their portfolio in a single community space online.

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